, March 10 2022
Given the rapid growth in the US with six new locations in 2022, new colleagues and partners, there is every reason to travel to the USA. With stops in Washington DC, New York and Miami, Pancras Evers (Managing director HFC) has hosted the trip.
The trip included meetings with the employees, new partners, and site visits to the new properties. One of the trip's goals was to reconnect with long-term vendors and meet in person with those who recently joined us. Only serious conversations would not fit the DNA of HFC, so there was enough time in between to admire the beautiful things the US has to offer.
NYC | Mathieu (HFC), Pancras (HFC), Chip (Delta Wash) Enjoying New York with our laundry vendor for two properties in New York and Washington DC
Remain flexible
Anna Kniep (Procurement Manager HFC): "All suppliers are very optimistic and see things getting back to normal. Everyone is very relaxed and is enjoying themselves. However, the last couple of years proved that we all need to remain flexible and be ready for any changes. Furthermore, we are extremely grateful for this time and are very happy to see each other, our colleagues from cM and partners. Link Hospitality, for example, will look after two new properties in Miami. We also met our new partner, Link Hospitality, in the new city of Miami, where we start up the services in two beautiful new hotels from cM. Ser Clean will be our new laundry partner for properties in Miami."
Washington | Group HFC and GT Linens
We connect, We take ownership, We are passionate
Pancras Evers (Managing Director HFC): "It's fantastic to feel the connection between HFC and the partners, some of whom have been working with us since we started. We have had the opportunity to spend time with many of our service partners and personally thank them for their support and commitment to continue to support our clients and us during the pandemic. Of course, finally, we were able to spend several days with our fantastic US team and experience that our three core values fully apply to this beautiful group of people. Our newest colleague Lindsay has earned herself a natural place in our team in no time and fits perfectly. What energy and drive this team has, and they are ready for 2022 and all the challenges."
Miami | What a view! The HFC team at work at cM
Plans for 2022
Mathieu Lacabanne (President HFC USA): "It's difficult to predict with the current political climate. Everyone is eager to move forward after two years of restrictions. The labour situation is still concerning in the US. The consensus among the states is that with the minimum wages rising due to large container and online distribution taking larger shares in the market and offering higher salaries than the minimum wage, it proves difficult for many companies to compete. The subject of looming inflation and rising gas prices also weighs heavy on the hourly employee. With these constantly shifting, many workers make a jump quickly to jockey for the highest-paid wage and bonus possible. But growth is apparent with our primary clients, with many openings planned for 2022. HFC USA is poised to begin growing as well after ending 2021 strong with the addition of 2 new Area Managers!"
"Many mandates have expired throughout the US, and as cases continue to fall without large numbers hospitalized, many are ready to shift back 2019 model! But of course, let's not speak about supply chains as they are still not completely recovered and ready to supply what the vendors need.... yet!"
Miami | Group photo HFC and laundry partner Ser Clean